Ally Web Directory
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Submission Information and Rules
Ally Web Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with illegal content. Examples of illicit material include child pornography, material that violates any intellectual property right, and material that specifically advocates, solicits or incites illegal activity (such as fraud or violence). We do not promote sites with content of nudity and hatred!
Do not submit sites that are "Under Construction." Wait until a site is complete before submitting it. Sites that are incomplete, contain "Under Construction" notices, or contain broken graphics or links aren't good candidates for our web directory.
Non-English sites are acceptable. However, you need to submit your non-English sites to the appropriate category under the "World" category. It would be better if the description of your site is in English, even if the content on your site is in some other language.
Your listing's placement and description used are at the sole discretion of the Ally Web Directory. If added in the wrong category, we have the rights to move it to a proper category. If you are unable to find the right category for your listings, just submit your link to the most relevant category and send us a message via the contact form. We will create a new category for you as soon as we can. Regular listings in top-most categories are not allowed.
The basic criteria for acceptance are that your site contains original content. Use Title Case for significant words in the title. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence in descriptions, whilst using proper grammar. Submissions that contain fields in all UPPER CASE or all lower case will be edited and may increase the review time.
Once your listing has been submitted, reviewed and approved in our directory, it is seen as content of We reserve the right to edit, modify, delete the link/listing if deemed necessary.
If your website has been penalized by search engines, then we have no problems to add "rel="nofollow" attribute to your link, if requested. However, for getting your listing removed from our web directory, a small fee needs to be paid. Contact us for more details.
For payments for the website listings, we accept and trust only on PayPal.
Make sure you follow our submission rules and guidelines. We do not entertain any refunds. The listing price is for honest and thorough review by an editor. It will not be refunded.
By proceeding with submission of your website, you hereby agree to accept all our Terms n Conditions as mentioned here.
Price Listing
Featured Listings (With 5 Extra Deeplinks)
$100 (Lifetime)
Featured Listing (Without Deeplinks)
$75 (Lifetime)
Regular Listings (With 3 Extra Deeplinks)
$50 (Lifetime)
Regular Listings (Without Deeplinks)
$25 (Lifetime)
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URL 1:
Title 2:
URL 2:
Title 3:
URL 3:
Title 4:
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URL 5:
Limit: 2500 Characters
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Limit: 2500 Characters
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